
Empowered for Mission (E4M)

Wednesdays: September 18th to December 4th Location: Online - Form an in-person huddle and join us


  • Reach out to your friends, small group, church to see if four or more people are interested in participating in the course.
  • The group organizer reaches out to John at to get the registration link for your course.
  • Each participant registers for the course individually. To get the most out of the course advance registration is recommended to be able to read the material for the first class.
  • Gather your group in a living-room or other meeting place. The group organizer (huddle leader) will receive a link for the zoom meeting.


To encourage, empower, and resource you with new ways of praying using your spiritual authority. This training will equip you to pray with expectation and see God move in your home, workplace, neighborhood, and beyond.


We are planning two time slots for E4M beginning on September 18th. We alternate every second week between an instructional time in the first week and a “Meet Up” in the second week to check-in on practice and answer questions related to the content.

Pacific Time: 6:45 pm – 9:15 pm

Eastern Time: 6:45 pm – 9:15 pm


E4M is a 6-module experiential prayer training that empowers disciples to fully discover and step into their identity as sons and daughters of the King. In each session, you will experiment with new prayer tools in a safe environment. After finishing the cohort you will be equipped to pray with others confidently by using the spiritual authority delegated to you in Jesus name.

We’ll cover these topics over the course of our time together:

  • What is Spiritual Authority? 
  • Hearing God as the Basis for Spiritual Authority 
  • Inner Healing as a Key Component to Exercising Spiritual Authority  
  • Operating as a Royal Priest in the Royal Priesthood 
  • Physical Healing and the In-breaking of the Kingdom   
  • Reclaiming Spiritual Territory and the Reality of the Supernatural


We offer an in-person training and an online format.

  1.  Online Cohorts: Cohorts are facilitated via Zoom. For the best experience gather a small group of friends in-person to take the course together. Every participant needs to register individually to get their own copy of the course material.
  2. In-Person: In-person training is only available for groups in the Vancouver area. Contact us for details about viable group size.

If you have any questions about which format is right for you, please email us at


Attendance: Attendance is expected at each meeting. You will be going through this Cohort journey with a small group of people (your Cohort Huddle), and you will also be connecting with your Huddle in between meetings either in person or virtually. We know life is full, but the expectation is that you carve out space in your life and calendar to invest in this Cohort for all six modules. Please check the meeting dates for your location and compare against your calendar prior to registering. We give you all the dates ahead of time so you can block out your calendar far in advance.

Experimenting: The power of this Cohort is that it is experiential and discovery-based. There will be a short time of teaching followed by time to experiment together with a specific prayer tool during the meeting, AND you will experiment on your own between gatherings.

Cost: Part of Novo’s calling is to equip and mobilize the body of Christ around the world. As such, Novo offers this course free of cost to all participants. There are optional costs of purchasing printed copies of the Cohort Workbook and Novo booklets, but those are also available to be downloaded for free from the online learning platform you’ll gain access to when you register.

Reading: For each module, we will be providing a few chapters of recommended reading to help you prepare for that session’s topic. Most of the reading is not required, but you’re highly encouraged to complete it so you’ll have a foundation on which to build. Several recommended books can also be purchased online:

  1. Required: Cohort Workbook – printed copy available to purchase or download as a free pdf (also available in Spanish)

  2. Required: Novo Booklets – printed copies available to purchase bundled with the Cohort Workbook, or download as pdfs, or listen to the audiobooks for no cost.

  3. Required: Spiritual Authority for Every Believer White-paper – download the pdf

  4. Recommended: Listening and Inner Healing Prayer: Meeting God in the Broken Places by Rusty Rustenbach

  5. Recommended: The Life Jesus Made Possible: Embracing the Kingdom Within our Reach by Bill Randall

  6. Recommended: The Grace Outpouring: Becoming a People of Blessing by Roy Godwin and Dave Roberts

  7. Recommended: Moving Mountains: Praying with Passion, Confidence, and Authority by John Eldredge