Small Beginnings

One of the shifts that I feel that God is asking me to make personally, and the church in Canada to make generally, is from a spectator to disciple maker.
By John Hall
Posted August 29, 2023

One of the shifts that I feel that God is asking me to make personally, and the church in Canada to make generally, is from a spectator to disciple maker.

So, to facilitate that shift I’m praying specifically and daily for five people who don’t know Jesus yet. My commitment is to pray for these five, that God would open their hearts and then, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, that I would engage and help meet a felt need, ask a spiritual question, or pray for them.

Another step we’re taking is to ask God what our missional patch is here in Richmond. I’m sure we could come up with a plan, but the bible is clear that the Spirit knows the hearts of those he’s preparing, so we’re asking for that insight.

These seem like pretty small beginnings, but they’re what we have. I feel hopeful that if we’re faithful with what we have that we’ll be given more. Specifically, in this case, that we’ll see an abundant harvest, to the glory of Jesus.

If this sounds interesting and you’d like to know more about DMM please reach out to us at